DIY Glitter Pins/Hair Pins

November 5, 2014

I'm a big believer that a little sparkle is always a good thing, especially during the holidays. This DIY is about as easy as it gets, and it adds a sweet little dose of sparkle to make your look a little merrier. 

1. Trace the shape of your choice on a piece of wax paper (I used cookie cutters), then outline and fill it in with glue. Elmer's works well because it's really spreadable. Next, cover the glue completely with glitter and allow to dry overnight. 

2. Peel your glitter shape off the wax paper and glue fabric, such as felt, to the back to help hold the shape. It's a good idea cut your fabric as close to the same size as your glitter shape as possible. 

 3. Glue the pin and hair clip to the felt. I recommend Aleene's Tacky Glue or Fabric Fusion.

4. Allow the glue to dry for a few hours, or overnight.

You could also do smaller shapes and glue to bobby pins. 


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