Friday Favorites

October 28, 2016

This week, my big girl was awarded Student of the Month and her teacher had so many wonderful things to say about her at the assembly. One thing that stood out was this: "I love seeing that smile every morning. Her kindness helps create a positive atmosphere in our classroom." Talk about a proud mommy! Both my husband and I were overcome with emotion as our baby's teacher talked about how responsible and focused, and above all, kind our little girl is.  She turns seven tomorrow--lucky number seven--and all I want is for it to be a beautiful, magical, and memorable birthday for her. Because she makes every day beautiful and magical and memorable. Have a wonderful weekend, and God bless!

Geode lips--possibly the coolest beauty look I've ever seen.

The always inspiring Jenna Lyons

This amazing outdoor kitchen

A reminder of just how sweet a neckerchief looks. 

This super pretty cake.


  1. Happiest of birthdays to your beautiful Lil' one! I know it'll be great! BTW... those lips look like a crackhead got hold of some grape koolaid. 💙 ya!

    1. LOL! Those lips are stunning; you're so silly! Love you too, and thank you!


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