Friday Favorites

April 7, 2017

Spring break is in full effect! This week was sort of slow and relaxed for us Golden girls, but since a few of my friend's children are out of school next week, we're planning some fun surprises for the kiddos. Also, the weather has been absolutely gorgeous, so on the days when we don't meet up with friends I think I'll take my little ones to the beach for a picnic. This weekend we're taking them to their first play--Junie B.'s Essential Survival Guide to School, based on the character from one of my big girl's favorite chapter book series--and all of us, including my husband, couldn't be more excited. Have a wonderful weekend, and God bless!

Caramel apples from a Moana-themed birthday party. How brilliant are these?

These puppies.

This ridiculously cool installation from Nike Savvas (those are all bouncy balls).

Cute DIY trinket holders

A wisteria tunnel at Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Japan

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