DIY Golden Apples

August 19, 2013

It's no secret that I've been obsessing over gold home accents lately, so I'm constantly scouring my favorite sites for more pieces to incorporate into my decor. In the meantime, I decided to finally complete a DIY project involving a bag of faux apples that I picked up for $7 awhile back at Home Goods and a can of RustOleum Metallic spray paint in gold. For this ridiculously easy and inexpensive project I simply sprayed two coats of paint on the apples, letting them dry completely between coats. I touched up any areas that I may have missed, and they were done in just a couple of hours. There was really nothing to it, but these apples look far more expensive than they were and are the perfect addition to my living room space.

photos by Angelica Golden


  1. How cool are these! This is my go-to spraypaint for everything, i swear! Ceramics, wood, it goes on everything perfectly!

    1. Thanks! I haven't tried on ceramics yet; will do soon.

  2. Delicious apples!

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