It's our last weekend in Phoenix, and in true Arizona fashion it's going to be a scorcher. Needless to say, we will be paying one last visit to a local favorite--the cutest little ice cream shop called Mary Coyle--before leaving town. Then it's back to gorgeous, sunny, and not quite as hot southern California. So long, Phoenix! I wish you all a wonder-filled weekend, and God bless!
This adorable DIY business card holder.
Mixed print realness from Italian label Stella Jean.
Toffee. Ice cream. Brownie. Bars. With salted caramel sauce!
DIY neon gem sandals that I want to make immediately after we get settled back in Cali. (Actually I want to make them today, but there's still a bit of packing yet to be done. *le sigh*)
These amazing paint puddle dancers by Katie Rodgers of Paper Fashion. This girl is crazy talented!
Omg that DIY business card holder is SO stinking cute!