Friday Favorites

February 13, 2015

I've always loved Valentine's Day, even when I was single, because I never viewed it as a couple's holiday but rather a day to celebrate love. This year I'm particularly excited because Valentine's Day falls on a Saturday for the first time since having my girls, and since my husband doesn't work on weekends, we'll have the whole day together as a family. I'm planning to surprise my loves with a big breakfast, something I know my five-year old will appreciate (she's been asking for a feast with sausages and "every kind of muffin God ever made" ever since I introduced her to the film A Little Princess). Whatever your plans for V-day, I hope your weekend is filled with love. God bless!

Colorful homemade pasta

Heart-shaped cork coasters

A sweet setting for an outdoor dinner party.

This. All of this.

Blue cheese and steak crostini--a must for my next dinner party. 


  1. First let me note that that whole ensemble is nothing less than hotness! Those glasses ....Uh Wee!
    Ur Valentines celebration sounds so sweet . Enjoy a blessed time spent with family!

    1. Fire, right?! Happy Valentine's Day, Nik!


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