Friday Favorites

February 20, 2015

So, how crazy is it that there's only one more week left in February? It blows my mind how quickly this month flew by. And this Southern California weather seems to be accelerating time; it feels like summer here.  This weekend we'll be enjoying friends and family at my niece's fourth birthday party (talk about time flying, it seems like she was just born), then we're having dinner with friends we don't get to see too often. I bid you a lovely weekend; make the most of your time because it really is flying by. God bless! 

A Sno-Ball cake that I'm dying to make. 

Twin baby polar bears

The cutest DIY drink stirrers.

Tips for throwing an epic garden party

This Play-Doh creation from my 5-year old. She asked me to put this on my blog and of course I had to oblige. (Sweet girl, if you ever read this, mommy loves you more than life!)

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