Friday Favorites

August 12, 2016

We moved! It all happened just this week, and I am both exhausted and thrilled as I type this. Between all the set-ups that had to be done (cable, internet, alarm, etc), as well as all the unpacking, washing and disinfecting, and arranging then rearranging furniture, I've hardly had a chance to catch my breath and, regretfully, I've had no time to post this week (I promise to be back on track next week). This weekend is our first in our new home, and since we've been promising the girls, the hubby and I are taking our little family to the beach for a much needed break from unpacking and cleaning. Enjoy your weekend!

A print I'd like to own. Kisses!

Melon caprese skewers that look like the perfect summer time meal--refreshing and light.

DIY marble hexagon coasters that I've got to make asap, as I want to start entertaining immediately (even though we've still so much unpacking to do).

This super cute work nook.

A pink train. I would totally freak out if I was standing on a platform and this baby pulled in.


  1. I'm so thrilled about how God has literally opened the doors for your family to own your new home! That print would definitely rock in there.

    1. Thank you! I'm thinking master bedroom for the print...


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