Friday Favorites

September 4, 2015

I'm in first grade again. This week we had Back to School Night at my daughter's school,  and her teacher gave a presentation which basically indicated that I'll be working as hard as my little one this year (not that I mind at all) because they get tested on practically everything. On a sweeter note, sitting at her little desk, in a chair so tiny I actually thought I would break it, I was reminded of just how small she still is. Have a safe and fun holiday weekend, and God bless!

A beautiful setting for a dinner party.

Grilled caprese salad

These DIY embellished heels

A clever weekend anthem.

Another super cute spin on the traditional burro piñata. I'm already thinking of parties to throw just so I can make one.


  1. I can only imagine you sitting in those miniature seats trying to get comfy! Lol... There's nothing like an elementary school chair to remind you that you've grown.

    1. Those had to have been the tiniest chairs on the planet! I've definitely grown...a lot!


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