Whipped Honey Ricotta

March 18, 2015

We're really into strawberries here in the Golden household. We eat them whole, sliced on top of yogurt or waffles, chopped into salads with fresh herbs, and on any random night we might dip them in chocolate (because there's no point waiting until Valentine's Day). I recently made this cool, creamy dip as a slightly healthier and certainly less messy alternative to chocolate, and it was a total hit with my little ones. It's not overly sweet, and has sort of a cheesecake flavor that works well with fresh berries (and Annie's Chocolate Chip Graham Bunnies, as it turns out). I'm thinking it'll also be nice in stuffed French toast, spread on sugar cookies, and of course, as a dip for every kind of fresh fruit we have in the kitchen. 

Whipped Honey Ricotta

2 cups whole-milk ricotta
4 oz cream cheese, room temperature
4 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp honey
¾ tsp vanilla extract

Whip all ingredients together in a food processor or with a hand-held mixer until smooth and creamy.  I recommend you chill for at least an hour before serving, as it tastes much better when it's really cold.


  1. That looks delectable ! It reminds me of the dip Ms. Ace makes that was to die for, except she doesn't use Ricotta. I'm sure this added twist is equally as tasty!

    1. You should give this a try; I know you like cheesecake.


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