15 Fun Things to Do With the Kids in June

June 1, 2015

Coming up with new ways to keep your little ones entertained can seem an impossible task at times, so each month I will offer up a few fun ideas that you and your children might enjoy. Have fun!

1. Pull out the finger paints and make dad a work of art for Father's Day.

2. Make homemade popsicles. (Here are 101 popsicle recipes to choose from.)

3. Have your kids make a summer activity wishlist, then commit to doing at least one thing on each list.

4. Host a promotion party for kids who are moving up to the next grade.

5. Run through the sprinklers.

6. Take them to see Inside Out, in theaters June 19. This one looks like a really cute film.

7. Create a summer reading list and get started on it.

8. Camp out in the backyard.

9. Pick a theme (e.g. a favorite family movie or dinosaurs or celestial, etc) and stick to it for every meal that day. 

10. Stock up on bubbles from the dollar store and donate them to the children's hospital. (Those children won't get to play outdoors in the summer sun, so bubbles might be the next best thing.)

11. Pack a picnic and spend as much time as they want at the park.

12. Use your projector, computer, or tablet to watch a movie together outside at dusk.

13. Stay up until midnight together.

14. Play your favorite songs from your youth and show them all the crazy dances you used to do. (I'll be showing mine the Running Man and the Roger Rabbit!)

15. If you can get time off, take them to an amusement park midweek, but don't tell them where you're going.

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  1. Oooh those popsicle recipes are going to come in handy this summer - yum!

    1. Yes--and there's a few "adult" versions as well! (wink, wink)


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