On My Radar: Cute Pajamas for $40 and Under

June 2, 2015

I have a confession: wearing cute, or even matching pajamas is no longer a priority of mine. With a husband and two kids to take care of, plus work obligations, my priority at bedtime is sleep. But there used to be a time when my drawers were filled with adorable, printed pajama sets and lovely, silky nightgowns. I used to love taking a hot shower, slathering my skin with some fantastic-smelling body oil or cream, and slipping into a cute pair of pajamas; it was the perfect way to end my day. Since we'll be off on vacation in a few weeks, I've decided that in addition to the obvious necessities (sundresses, swimsuit, sunblock, sandals, etc), I'm also going to pack pajamas that I wouldn't be completely embarrassed to be seen in. Bonus: these cute jammies won't break the bank.   

Shop more cute PJs from H&M, Target, and more of your favorite stores here: 

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  1. Im pretty much a tshirt and sweat pants girl myself. Would love to own those stripe pjs though.

    1. Yeah, I've been all about the T-shirt and sweats lately (or hubby's shorts). I'm loving all the little sleep rompers I'm seeing lately.


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