Friday Favorites

May 1, 2015

I often have moments throughout my day when I have to stop and live in the reality that I'm an actual adult with real responsibilities. It's not a bad feeling, just a sort of mini epiphany when I hear my little ones call out "mama" and I realize they're talking to me, or when I check my email to find a message from my daughter's kindergarten teacher. This week was full of those moments, especially since my husband and I celebrated his 30-somethingth birthday and our six year wedding anniversary. Real grown-up stuff! I hope you have an excellent weekend; find time to do something that will make your inner child happy. God bless!

Dreaming about our upcoming family vacation to Kauai.

Gorgeous prints from Kaela Kay.

A beautiful and colorful salad

Super cute DIY magnets

The most adorable candy bar wrappers ever. 


  1. Those prints are everything by Kaela Kay! So vibrant and happy!

    1. Aren't they to die for!? It's a Ghanian label.

  2. 6 years! Woooow! Oh and those prints are absolutely CUTE! Have a wonderful anniversary weekend!


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